Case Study


Houston Multifamily Increases NOI by $33K

Houston, TX

Image of Multifamily property for Houston Multifamily Increases NOI by $33K

$33K NOI Increase

Solutions Found:


In total, NFE solutions resulted in $550,000 in added property value (assuming a 6% CAP Rate) and a $33,000 boost in NOI for a multifamily property on Bissonnet St in Houston, TX.

Using data provided by the client, our engineers qualified six (6) of 27 buildings for removal from the flood zone, adding $13,000 in NOI by removing associated lender-mandated food insurance expenses. Upon further analysis of in-house historical area data, the engineering team recommended we visit the property to gather additional data points on the remaining buildings.

After completing our Flood Expert Survey, eight (8) more buildings qualified for removal from the flood zone, resulting in an additional $20,000 in added NOI for the owner.

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